Wednesday, December 8, 2010


OK, so remember how I said that I love The Walking Dead being all people oriented and suspenseful? Well, there's a limit to that. And it ends way before 6 episodes. Come one! What the hell is going on!? How many times is Rick gonna put on the responsible Sheriff's hat and be this emotional robot that I've come to find slightly irritating? It doesn't matter that he confesses his fear to the C.D.C Doctor, because he can't even cry about it for more than 5 seconds and Dr. Weirdo won't live to tell about it. Why does Shane keep on being the douche bag assface towards Lori, and why is she being the stereotype woman; flick with her actions and double sided with her emotions? It's time for the others to step up to the game and it's time to let some flesh eating zombies into the eye of the storm.

But wait, someone decided to make TS-16 the season finale. Really? Who makes a season 6 episodes short and decides to release the coming season during 2011 (TWO THOUSAND ELEVEN!!) Fearfest?

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